Thursday, November 13, 2008

That Looks Nothing Like The Picture

So I was at the grocery store this morning before work. I am working alone 9-5:30 and wanted to have some options for lunch. While paroosing the frozen food section for the Stouffer's Panini sandwiches that are AWESOME! I notice a Spinach Souffle and it looks amazing. Especially for someone who loves spinach products as much as I do. (Seriously. Spinach pizza, spanakopita (from Trader Joe's) spinach dip, I'm game) So I grab it.

I mean...Does this NOT look good?

But this is what what my souffle looked like once cooked.

I mean....Really? My expectations weren't terribly high but come on.
I used to love you Stouffers. Now? Not so much.


D.R. said...

That's just fucked up.

Jonathan Eunice said...

I believe I have seen more appetizing PLAY-DOH.