Thursday, February 11, 2010

An almost full 6 months later

Sooo...It's been 6 months and this is actually my 100Th post so I thought I'd recap for everyone where I am since the last one.

I didn't tape up the dining room to paint the trim. I bought carpet cleaner but that furniture was too far gone to be saved. I did move the dining room table in from the porch and even bought it a pretty tablecloth. I have NOT taken the tape off the walls in my bedroom. In fact, I think it adds to the charm. (And I can't reach it anyway.) I have given up on the kitchen furniture ever flowing properly until I get new furniture and THAT'S not gonna happen. I don't think I went next door and watched TV either.

That's about where I am.

1 comment:

Jen said...

YAY! You posted! I am so happy!